Department of Biopathology directed by Luc Xerri at the IPC | Co-Manager of the Experimental Histo-Pathology platform (ICEP) | Head of the Breast Cancer research group in the Molecular Oncology laboratory led by Daniel Birnbaum at the CRCM | Professor of Medicine at Aix Marseille University


Our aim is simple: to position ourselves upstream of the diagnosis and to propose innovative treatments to patients

My work within the Biopathology department is essentially to make the diagnosis of patients treated at the hospital in order to direct the clinicians towards the most appropriate therapeutic solutions. To do this, we use morphological analysis techniques, immunohistochemistry, cytometry and cytogenetics to be able to define the architecture of diseased tissues and to detect “targets” that are likely to play a significant role in the development of the illness and on which we can act with targeted therapies.

We are however often faced with patients who present complex medical conditions that resist classic treatments: triple negative breast cancer, pancreatic cancer… The efficiency of personalized medicine therefore is based on greater interdisciplinarity at the crossroads of clinical and fundamental research programs, such as those we are conducting today in the ICEP experimental pathology platform in partnership with the CRCM and the DRCI. Our aim is simple: to position ourselves upstream of the diagnosis and to propose innovative treatments to patients that integrate the histological, cellular and molecular characteristics of their own tumor.

To have the best chance of success, we have established a partnership with Marseille Immunopole and its MI-mAbs platform for the discovery, development and validation of new biomarkers to facilitate the prediction of response to a given therapeutic indication, the therapeutic follow-up or the assessment of tumor prognosis.

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